anna ferrari gauguin and the impressionists

The book is edited by Cornelia Homburg and Christopher Riopelle and is being published to coincide with the exhibition of the same title which held at the National Gallery of Canada in Ottawa (May 24 - September 8, 2019), and at the National Gallery in London (October 7, 2019 - January 26, 2020). The exhibition displayed some sixty works by Gauguin - paintings, works on paper, and three-dimensional objects made of various materials - from public and private collections throughout the world. It is the aim of Gauguin. Portraits to fill this gap in the scholarly examination of one of the leading figures in Post-Impressionism. There is much to discover about the attributes he endowed his models with and the evocative settings he chose for them, highly charged as these props were with symbolic meanings. This book, which is intended as a standard text in this specific field, includes essays written by an array of experts in Gauguin's work, all established scholars and young researchers. University and museum specialists combine their talents to explore in-depth the many aspects of the artist's portraits, often in the light of the remarks he made about his models. The authors focus in particular on the importance and different meanings portraits had for Gauguin in his oeuvre. About the Author Cornelia Homburg is curator of the Washington University Gallery of Art and visiting curator at the National Gallery of Canada (Ottawa). Christopher Riopelle is the curator of post-1800 paintings at the National Gallery in London. Elizabeth Childs is the director of the Department of Art History and Archaeology at the University of Washington in St Louis. She specialises in nineteenth- and twentieth-century European modernism. Line Clausen Pedersen is the curator of the modern art collection at the Ny Carlsberg Glyptothek (Copenhagen). Dario Gamboni is Professor of Art History at the University of Geneva. His publications include Paul Gauguin at the Mysterious Centre of Thought. Linda Goddard is Senior Lecturer in Art History at St. Andrews University in Scotland. Her research centres on artists' writings, word and image studies, the visual and literary cultures of travel and colonialism, and eighteenth- to twentieth-century art and literature. Claire Guitton teaches at the Ecole du Louvre and is Cornelia Homburg's research assistant. Alastair Wright is Associate Professor in the History of Art at St. John's College, Oxford. His research concentrates on European modernism.  ISBN13 9788874398584

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