the settlers 5 heritage of kings history edition

A magnificent tribute to the life and reign of Queen Elizabeth II, and a celebration of the British royal family. A stunning pictorial biography of Queen Elizabeth II, recounting her childhood, succession to the throne, and her dutiful service as the reigning monarch of Britain. This biography of the Queen also includes the history of the Royal family and the house of Windsor. Queen Elizabeth II and the Royal Family 3rd Edition features accounts of most of the royal household including the Queen and Prince Philip's children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren! Inside the pages of this biography you'll find: - The complete history of the kings and queens of England and Scotland, explaining the story of succession to the throne over more than 1,000 years - Special features profile royal residences, including Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle - Dazzling photographic galleries showcasing royal regalia, artefacts as well as rare, restricted and exclusive photographs - Visual timelines at the start of each chapter highlight the key milestones in the history of the monarchy For almost 70 years the Queen has been beloved and admired by the British public, the commonwealth, heads of states and many others. Following her ascent to the throne at the age of 27, she's spent her entire life in service of the public and state. This biography celebrates her life through photographs and profiles and provides the reader with insight into the world's most famous royal family members. Teaming with dazzling galleries of royal artefacts, photographic tours, royal residences, and the Royals up close makes this the perfect book for fans of the royal family or anyone interested in the history of the British monarchy.

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