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Everything you need to know about what makes your body tick! Find out how the body works through the pages of this illustrated children's book. Take a tour of the human body and learn everything from the structure of the brain, skeleton and bones to the immune and nervous system and the human mind and personality! This children's biology encyclopedia for children ages 9 years and older includes: - Awe-inspiring imagery and straightforward explanations suitable for children in Key Stage 2 - Double-page images display the fascinating human body in detail - Timeline of key medical breakthroughs - Quizzes to test your personality, and logical and reasoning skills Discover mind-blowing facts about the human body! Did you know that you are made up of 100 trillion cells? Or that blood vessels, if they were laid out end to end, would wrap around the Earth twice? Find out what makes a balanced diet and see what part of the brain makes you appreciate music or determines your personality. This biology book for kids includes fun quizzes, information on medical breakthroughs, and so much more! Human Body: A Children's Encyclopedia breaks down human anatomy for children in bite-sized information and colourful pictures that will leave them completely intrigued by the intricacies of the human body. Filled with the latest research, this is the perfect guide for homework projects or to just read for curiosity. The award-winning, and internationally best-selling DK series A Children's Encyclopedia has been completely revised! More than just a catalogue of facts and photos - it's a visual celebration of the history of all life on Earth. Other books in the series include Dinosaurs: A Children's Encyclopedia and Oceans: A Children's Encyclopedia.

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