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Are you weary of the bland look of your garden? Do you want to add a riot of color and ensure a healthy and natural growth in soil-less containers too? Then, look no further. Your quest for a great display is over as you can now get the Kelkay Pot Hydro Stones Plum colored 1Kg capacity pack and forget your gardening woes. Perfect for hydroponic planting. These hydro stones for plants are a natural, versatile and cost-effective plant substrate that add sheen and classic aesthetic appeal to both the indoor and outdoor plants. This is perfect for hydroponic planting and helps in water retention and soil aeration. These plum-colored stones can be used to plant directly into, layer over or between potting soil. They retain moisture in the pot and keep the plants watered and looking radiant and bright, enhancing the captivating look of your plants in the terrace garden or potted plants in the balcony. The hydro stones for plants are of premium quality, affordable and add to the artistic feel of the gardens. They make garden landscaping a graceful and delightful activity and promote plant growth. This is the perfect choice for your kitchen garden or farm. A highly recommended pack, this will find its way into your garden and leave you wanting more! Versatile and visually appealing stones! This gardening accessory is a perfect for all those who want to lend a visual charm to their terrace gardens, kitchen gardens or farms. This pack contains stones of high-quality, eco-friendly, natural, versatile and cost-effective plant substrate for the germination of healthier and organic plants paving the way for a rich yield of natural, strong and succulent foliage. Then what are you waiting for? Get the hydro stones for plants and help your plants breathe and blossom in serenity! (1). Great for hydroponic planting. (2). Aids water retention and soil aeration. (3). Eco-friendly way for layering between soil. (4). Natural and versatile plant substrate. (5). Adds color and vitality to the indoor and outdoor plants. (6). Promotes soil-less planting.

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