2 6 12pcs solar candle light light outdoor solar tea wax light for christmas halloween smokeless simulation electronic candle

Fragrance: roasted apples, sugared chestnuts, whipped buttercream with essential oils CANDLE LIGHT PROMOTES FOCUS - Anyone who’s ever blown their birthday candles out has had a moment of hesitation: “Wow, everything looks amazing in this light!” That’s because candlelight is gentle, not overwhelming on the eyes like sunlight. Lighting a scented candle in a dark room makes shadows and angles more gentle, thanks to the warm softness of a candle flame. Your mind is able to focus and concentrate better as a result. WELCOMING EFFECT - The flickering of candlelight produces a lovely ambiance that simply cannot be replicated. If you are looking to create a cozy or intimate atmosphere, lighting a few well-placed scented candles in your home can really add to the effect. Adding a candle here and there will create softness in your room, which will instantly make it feel warm and welcoming. SOOTHING, HEALING PROPERTIES - Candles are known for their soothing, healing properties and are often used by therapists, to create a peaceful ambiance in their therapy rooms. The sheer act of lighting a scented candle, its lovely flicker and the gentle glow it creates, helps ease and soothe the mind. Give it a try the next time you have a stressful day: light a candle, watch the flame and just breathe for a few minutes - even just 60 seconds can make a big difference. LASTING MEMORY - Our sense of smell is strongly tied with memory, so we often associate a specific scent with a moment or memory. One of the joys of selling scented candles is when our customers share memories as they smell our fragrances. PERFECTLY ROMANTIC - Keep that spark alive in your relationship with a little candlelight: turn any dinner into a romantic, candlelit moment. Always keep scented candles on your nightstands; when the mood strikes, light it and turn up the heat - because nothing enhances the moment quite like some soft lighting. ---------- Ingredients: Hydrogenated soybean oil(8016-70-4,Wax),Paraffin(8002-74-2,Wax),Hydrogenated palm oil(68514-74-9,Wax),Fragrance (Parfum)(Fragrance ingredient),Microcrystalline wax (Cera microcristallina)

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