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“Alyssa Rosenheck’s commitment to the strong creatives shaping today’s South is as beautiful and inspiring as her photography.” ―Lauren Liess, host, Best House on the Block, HGTVAlyssa Rosenheck has contributed to Architectural Digest, Elle Décor, Country Living, Better Homes and Gardens, Southern Living, Domino, and more. Now, in The New Southern Style, she takes readers on a tour of more than 30 fabulous homes and explores what the new style of the American South really is.A vibrantly illustrated exploration of the creative, inclusive, and inspiring movement happening in today’s Southern interior design, Alyssa offers interviews with the designers, artists, and creative entrepreneurs who are reinventing Southern design and culture. These talks will help you to understand how designers think and how you should think when creating your own style for a home, apartment, or even a room.Built on strong foundations, laid-back new Southern dwellings feature wild greenery, plucked straight from the earth; weathered woods; and native, organic, and gorgeously basic materials, such as linen, cotton, and silk. Carefree and composed, these homes strike just the right chord between folksy and refined. Yet, more than anything, these new designers know the value of returning to Southern roots.The American South is a place steeped in history and tradition. Think of sweet tea, thick drawls, and even thicker summer air. It is also a place with a fraught history, complicated social norms, and dated perspectives. Yet among the makers and artists of the South, there is a powerful movement afoot. Alyssa Rosenheck shines a much-needed spotlight on a burgeoning community of people who are taking what’s beloved, inherent, and honored in the South and making it their own.This beautifully illustrated book is sure to inspire the home and the soul.

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